- 19 2019/06
iSCLife® products bring new treatments to pat...
The clinical application known as "Clinical study of human umbilical cord mesenchymal stem cells (19#iSCLife®-CSD) for the treatment of uterine traumatic healing failure" with stem cell product has been approved by the state and fully supported by Professor Zhang Weishe, director o...
- 10 2019/06
iSCLife are currently in clinical trials with thou...
Raised by two major alliances of MSCs, Stem Cell Regenerative Medicine Transformation & Pain Medicine, and involved by thousands of doctors! It's time for iSCLstem cell & iSCLife to kill the pain.
What is stem cell life energy?
SCL Bank®-Life Energy Bank is a new type of bio-bank in line with the definition of ISO/TC276 International Biotechnology Standardization Committee. The iSCL stem cell® seeds up to the clinical application level are stored in a customized 2D cryopreservation tube. In the super low temperature cryopreservation system, the unique cryopreservation technology of SCLnow® is used to ensure the quality standard approval of iSCLife®. Every iSCLife® has an exclusive passbook, a unique birth paper (quality control standard), and a property insurance policy.
The beauty of life lies in: Tradition is broken time and time again whenever science crosses limited cognition.
SCLGL® Regenerative Medicine Space is composedof four major spaces. Engineers of SCLGL® Regenerative Medicine Space willrapidly push stem cell therapy to the stage of "tissue substitution","organ substitution" and "precision medicine". SCLnow®engineers are constantly "re-creating" in translational medicine,regenerative medicine and precision medicine.

SCLnow®cloud upholds the concept of"massive data, the way of solution". It can not only accumulate data,but also realize a true data mining, analysis and integration. The final goalis to enable SCLCC Big Data Cloud Center to accumulate, mine, analyze andintegrate the massive data.
Big data, regenerative medicine iseverywhere!
SCLnow® Notable Quotation
Mr.Daniel Shechtman---Israel Winner of Nobel Prize in Chemistry
Yuan Baozhu---Member of the State Stem Cell Expert Committee, Director of Cell Resource Storage and Research Center of China Food and Drug Research Institute.
Ricardo -- Chairman of the Biotechnology Technical Committee of the International Organization for Standardization)(ISO/TC276)
Georges----Convenor of WG2 of lnternational Biological Technology Standardization Committee
Qiao Jie---Academician of Chinese Academy of Engineering, Dean of the No. 3 Hospital of Beijing University
Academician of Chinese Academy of Engineering, Dean of the No. 3 Hospital of Beijing University
Storage at SCL Bank® is yours, moreover itis the future of health for your family! We will store hope and future for you!When the seed alive, the life long-lasting! SCL Bank® escorts your seeds! Smallseed, great hope!