SCLnow® Cloud adheres to the concept of"Massive data and solutions", and can truly carry out a whole processdata management covering SCL Bank®-Life Energy Bank,SCLGL®-Regenerative Medicine Space and SCLIC®-Life EnergyStation. SCLnow® can not only accumulate data, but also do data mining, analysisand integration.

Ultimately, bring the big data andregenerative medicine all around the world.

Fivesystems of SCLnow® Cloud

  • SCLCC® Global Management Cloud

    The SCLCC® Global Management Cloudis a data collection, management,Integration and mining platform for partneringdepositors, users and Collaborative  researchinstitutes. It is also an interactive data platform for interpretivecollaboration and communication management between partnering depositors, usersand collaborative research institutes. It allows SCLnow® to breakspace, speed and boundaries of global depositors, users and collaborativeresearch institutes in order to realize data exchange, and ultimately achievedata sharing.

  • SCL Bank®-Life Energy Bank Management Cloud sets anexclusive ownership for every iSCLstem cell® depositor with exclusive code, security, privacy, precise location and number of stem cellsin storage (quantity and Number of passages), quick response, inquiry andretrieval. It provides each depositor a passbook of SCL Bank®-LifeEnergy Bank and iSCLstem cell® QualityControl Certificate.

  • SCLCC®-RegenerativeMedicine Space Intelligent Management Cloud can collect, manage, dig andintegrate data of SCLGL LIMS® Regenerative Medicine Space DataManagement System and SCLGL BOM® Regenerative Medicine Space RawMaterial Management System. It also adopts intelligent management on isolation,extraction, preparation, culturing and cryopreservation of iSCLstem cell® seedsManagement.

  • Five-in-one 5H data experience, "Home,Health, Happiness, Heart, Hope" provides personalized reference andprecise medical care for customers with three testing data under its ownindependent intellectual property rights .

  • SCLPF® Factory ManagementCloud realizes the industrialization and scale by precise management of datathrough SCLCC®.

  • All customers of SCLnow®  will have passports of Longevity Green, Everlasting Green, Pure Purple, Love Purple and Eternal purple . The digitized intelligent management will push the experience ofpassport holders to the extreme.